St. Matthew Lutheran Church of Nortonville, Kansas
Trinity Lutheran Church of Holton, Kansas
St. Matthew Lutheran Church of Nortonville, Kansas, and Trinity Lutheran Church of Holton, Kansas, give thanks to God for their partnership in the Gospel since __________. Desiring to be good stewards of the gifts entrusted to them, we agree to form our partnership as a dual parish under the following provisions:
The Congregations
The two congregations shall not lose their identities but shall function as two separate congregations in all things except in those matters that pertain to their pastor. This includes the conducting of all society meetings, Sunday school teachers’ meetings, etc., in each congregation, unless changed by mutual agreement between the groups involved in consultation with the pastor.
Conduct of Office
It is understood and agreed by all parties to this agreement that the pastor called to serve the dual parish shall conduct his office in conformity with the Holy Scriptures, The Lutheran Confessions, and the teachings and practices of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.
It is further understood and agreed by all parties to this agreement that the called pastor shall not be required or expected to function in any way that is contrary to the Holy Scriptures, The Lutheran Confessions, and the teachings and practices of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.
The Pastor
It is understood and agreed to by all parties to this agreement that the pastor called to serve the dual parish shall be a rostered member of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, that he shall be called according to the normal procedures currently in force in the Synod, and that he shall be under the ecclesiastical supervision of the district president of the Kansas District of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.
If there is a pastoral vacancy, a joint meeting of the Voters’ Assemblies of St. Matthew Lutheran Church and Trinity Lutheran Church will be held to call a pastor. Such action will not be delegated to a smaller group or an individual. The joint Voters’ Assembly will decide whether to request a seminary graduate or to call a pastor from the field.
Expenses related to the Multi-congregation Parish
Expenses related to the dual parish agreement will be a percentage based on the 12‐month average Sunday worship service attendance of each congregation as of June 30th of each year. This will allow each congregation the information necessary to develop their annual church budgets.
Each congregation will pay their percentage of the pastor’s salary directly to the pastor. Trinity Lutheran Church will send a check to St. Matthew Lutheran Church to pay their percentage of the pastor’s benefits (Concordia Health Plan, Concordia Retirement Plan, Concordia Disability and Survivor Plan). St. Matthew Lutheran Church will send a check to Concordia Plan Services to cover all the pastor’s benefits.
Each congregation will reimburse the pastor for business miles driven on behalf of the congregation at the current IRS rate. Should travel be on behalf of both congregations, the reimbursement will be the determined percentage rate for each congregation.
Professional expenses (conferences, conventions, continuing education, periodicals, cell phone expense on a monthly basis, etc.) will be shared by the two congregations according to the percentage formula for the year in which they are incurred.
The pastor will be granted two days off per week. The pastor’s schedule will be agreed upon by the Dual Parish Committee.
The pastor’s vacation time will be established by following the District’s Salary Compensation Guidelines.
The pastor’s salary and compensation will be based by following the District’s Salary Compensation Guidelines.
Times of Worship Services
Members are encouraged to attend worship in either congregation when the times fit their schedules better.
Regular Sunday Worship Services
St. Matthew Lutheran Church – 8:30 a.m.
Trinity Lutheran Church – 10:30 a.m.
These times may be adjusted by mutual agreement
Midweek Advent and Lenten Services
All regular Advent services, Lenten services, and special services will be agreed upon by the Dual Parish Committee on an annual basis.
Special Services
Special worship services (e.g., Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year’s, etc.) will be established on an annual basis by the Dual Parish Committee.
Joint Meetings
Joint meetings of the Voters’ Assemblies of the two congregations will be held at mutually agreeable times. At least one joint meeting will be held in September each year. The joint meeting shall be announced at least two weeks prior to the meeting. The host congregation’s president will act as president and the visiting congregation’s secretary will act as secretary of the joint Voters’ Assembly meeting. The assembled voters constitute a quorum. All matters and the calling of a pastor shall be decided by a simple majority.
When possible, the two congregations will work to hold joint meetings (e.g., Adult Confirmation, Junior Confirmation, Sunday School teachers, Vacation Bible School, etc.) to conserve the pastor’s time.
Dual Parish Committee
A Dual Parish Committee will be formed. It shall consist of three (3) individuals consisting of president, head elder, and treasurer of each congregation. The pastor will be an ex-officio member but cannot vote. The host congregation’s president will chair the meeting. A recording secretary will be selected from those in attendance to record the minutes of the meeting. These minutes will be distributed to each congregation’s members, as part of a congregation’s regular voters’ agenda, or presented and read at the next joint voters’ meeting.
The purpose of the committee is to monitor the Dual Parish Agreement and recommend needed changes. These recommended changes will be brought forth at the next regular or special called joint voters’ meeting.
The committee will meet at least twice a year (i.e., January and July) and as needed.
It is understood and agreed by all parties to this agreement that in the event of disagreement or controversy concerning the terms of this agreement, the local LCMS circuit visitor, as a representative of the district president, shall be contacted in order that he may assist the parish in resolving the disagreement or controversy.
Dissolution of the Multi-congregation Parish Agreement
In the future, if the advancement of the Gospel and the Kingdom of God appears to call for the dissolution of this dual parish agreement, a period of negotiation shall be entered into by each congregation. During this time each congregation will be called upon to assess and communicate what is best for their congregation. In addition, due consideration must be given to the service of the pastor so as to uphold the divinity of the call. If, following the period of negotiation, at least one of the congregations thinks dissolution of the agreement is in its best interest, a 75% majority vote at one quarterly voters’ meeting, with a 75% majority ratifying it at the next quarterly voters’ meeting, is required to dissolve the dual parish agreement. Should such a vote pass, the partnership will be dissolved one year from the date of ratification. It can be terminated in less than one year by mutual consent of all congregations which are part of the agreement.
District Approval
It is understood and agreed by all parties to this agreement that the president of the Kansas District of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod shall approve all the terms of this agreement before submitting a call list to the parish. It is also understood and agreed to that any changes in this agreement shall have the approval of the district president before being placed in force.
Signed by Representatives of the Congregations and the District President